Sunday, October 26, 2014

Getting To Know Me...

Today, I'm joining a link-up with the Texas Women Bloggers.  It's a really amazing network I'm lucky to be a part of and they want us to tell a little more about ourselves to help spread the word of our blog.  I love questions or finish-the-sentence so I'm ready to do this.

1. What is your name, blog title, and URL link?
   - I'm  Casey, I blog at A Girl & Merle and you can find me at

2. How did you come up with your blog’s title?
   - I didn't want to do this question.  My title involved my dog, Merle, who recently passed away.
3. How long have you been blogging?
   -I've been blogging over a year now.  I used to blog at Real Suburbia but I recently switched to AG&M.
4. When we visit your blog, what can we expect to discover?
   - My musings on life, being a boy mom and our current house renovation.
5. Share the link to your favorite or most popular blog post(s).
  -I've only had this blog this month, but so far my most popular is Hello October.
6. What are three goals you have for your blog next year?
   - I would love to network more.  Do a giveaway with some of my favorite gals.  Manage Twitter better?
7. Tell us about your family. Are you married or in a relationship? Do you have kids? If so, how many and how old are they? Do you have pets? You know, the usual stuff.
   -  I'm in a relationship with the guy I had a crush on in high school.  I have one boy, Wilder who's almost three.  He has two other sons that I spend a lot of time with, too.  No pets as you can see in question two but hopefully that will change soon.
8. What part of Texas do you call home?
   -A tiny little one stop light town in North Texas, an hour north of Fort Worth.
9. How do you make a living?
   -I'm lucky enough to be a stay at home mom.  I keep that guy living.
10. Have you attended blog conferences or social events in the past? If this is your first time, what are you most nervous about?
   -I've been to a few meetups and hosted one myself with my friends Stephanie and Adrian in Waco this February.  It was such an fun experience.  I would love to do it more.  I'm nervous about making a good impression and making new friends.  I always think I pale in comparison to most.
11. What are you looking forward to the most at the TWB dinner event?
   -Food and meeting the women who run the blogs I follow.
12. Finally, share your social media links so we can connect online!
   - You can find me here?
      - Instagram: @agirlandmerle
      - Pinterest: @caseylee610
      - Twitter:  still @realsuburbia


Nicole M. Hutchison said...

Hey Casey, looking forward to meeting you as well! If you love questions and prompts for blog posts, you should join the *FINISH THIS* link up I co-host every Wednesday. We answer a new set of prompts/questions each week but always have a blast doing it.

Finish This //

Anonymous said...

I'd like to link up to this? How did you find it?

Taylor Bradford said...

So excited to meet you Casey!!!!!

Unknown said...

First off, I love your hair! Gorgeous and bright. It suits you. Second, my heart goes out to you in the loss of Merle. He sounds like he was the best friend we all wish to have. And third, if you're feeling nervous at the dinner, come stand by me, and I'll make you giggle. :)

Jessica Allen said...

Can't wait to meet you at the dinner!

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