About Merle

This is Merle.  After I lost my dog, Arnold, shortly after I moved back to my small town, Wilder, my guy and I decided to go to the biggest town close to ours one evening.  We had been discussing The Walking Dead and how we would love to have an ugly dog named Merle and a more attractive dog named Daryl.  Wilder loves to go to Petco or PetSmart and look at the animals.  When we walked it, they were doing an adoption drive.  And there sat Phillip.  They called him a pug and beagle mix.  He's not.  We think pug and boxer because of his brindle color.  I saw him and immediately knew he was Merle.  I talked to the lady, convinced Tj and less than an hour later we were on our way home with Merle.  Or Merly, as I call him.  He can be crazy at times, he doesn't know what to do if I'm not home and he loves new people.  He completed our little circle and helped me get past the grief of losing Arnold. 


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