Today, I'm joining a link-up with the Texas Women Bloggers. It's a really amazing network I'm lucky to be a part of and they want us to tell a little more about ourselves to help spread the word of our blog. I love questions or finish-the-sentence so I'm ready to do this.
1. What is your name, blog title, and URL link?
- I'm Casey, I blog at A Girl & Merle and you can find me at
2. How did you come up with your blog’s title?
- I didn't want to do this question. My title involved my dog, Merle, who recently passed away.
3. How long have you been blogging?
-I've been blogging over a year now. I used to blog at Real Suburbia but I recently switched to AG&M.
4. When we visit your blog, what can we expect to discover?
- My musings on life, being a boy mom and our current house renovation.
5. Share the link to your favorite or most popular blog post(s).
-I've only had this blog this month, but so far my most popular is
Hello October.
6. What are three goals you have for your blog next year?
- I would love to network more. Do a giveaway with some of my favorite gals. Manage Twitter better?
7. Tell us about your family. Are you married or in a relationship? Do
you have kids? If so, how many and how old are they? Do you have pets?
You know, the usual stuff.
- I'm in a relationship with the guy I had a crush on in high school. I have one boy, Wilder who's almost three. He has two other sons that I spend a lot of time with, too. No pets as you can see in question two but hopefully that will change soon.
8. What part of Texas do you call home?
-A tiny little one stop light town in North Texas, an hour north of Fort Worth.
9. How do you make a living?
-I'm lucky enough to be a stay at home mom. I keep that guy living.
10. Have you attended blog conferences or social events in the past? If
this is your first time, what are you most nervous about?
-I've been to a few meetups and hosted one myself with my friends Stephanie and Adrian in Waco this February. It was such an fun experience. I would love to do it more. I'm nervous about making a good impression and making new friends. I always think I pale in comparison to most.
11. What are you looking forward to the most at the TWB dinner event?
-Food and meeting the women who run the blogs I follow.
12. Finally, share your social media links so we can connect online!
- You can find me here?
- Instagram: @agirlandmerle
- Pinterest: @caseylee610
- Twitter: still @realsuburbia