Monday, November 24, 2014

A Dinner with strictly Women Only

Last Saturday, I put my brave -my name means brave, hello- panties on and drove to Dallas with my friend (who blogs!) Amy so we could have dinner with a community of Texas Women Bloggers.  I was super pumped about the menu and just the whole idea in general.  It took place in the Urban Acres warehouse which was beautifully set up for the occasion.

Amy and I arrived 30 minutes early, which was great because it had just started misting and my hair loves to freak out at the tiniest bit of moisture.  We got cute name tags (which is dutifully hanging from my rear view mirror) and we got to check out the setup before things got hopping.  Jennifer and Taylor were so on top of things.

I got to see some of my great girl friends from the last meetup that I cohosted, Amber, Adrian and Stephanie.  The one thing I was concerned about what when Taylor said we couldn't sit directly with anyone we know.  I'm not that great at small talk.  I feel like I get louder, and I knew I was turning red.  I did manage to sneak Adrian in the seat next to me and I had Amy caddy corner to me.  I got to meet some great girls due to Taylor's rule and I couldn't be more thankful.  I met a girl named Brittaney, who graciously gave me her kale salad after I scarfed down my own, which was followed by some amazing brisket from Market Street.  Each course (soup, salad, entree, dessert) was followed with delicious wine pairings from Lost Oak Winery and then I had pumpkin spice ice cream from Lick Honest Ice Creams.  They had vegan ice creams, too, but when Jennifer said pumpkin, I didn't hear anything after that.  I think Adrian got coconut, which I know Tj would love because he's coconutty.. brb laughing at my clever joke.

At the beginning of the night, they made us fill out an info card because three women in attendance would win a 10 person wine tasting to Lost Oak Winery.  And guess what?  I WON!!!  Now I have to find 10 people I want to get tipsy with to go with me, which I scheduled for January, if you wanna meet me in Burleson!

Taylor mentioned more plans for Texas Women Bloggers in the future and it's such a great community, I can't wait to see what happens next.


Nicole M. Hutchison said...

My name tag is on my rear view mirror as well!!!! I'm glad I got to meet you and look forward to future gatherings ..... that I may or may not attend wearing my purple ex-bridesmaid dress. HA. :)

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