Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hello October

October, already.  October is going to be a bittersweet month for me.  I would have been married/together for 6/8 years this month which is, of course, sad and Wilder will be with his dad on Halloween.  His dad did get them matching Mario and Luigi costumes, so I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Through Instagram, I saw a blogging challenge.  Blogtober14, it's being called.  Helene In Between (a very rad girl who is much cooler than I could ever be) shared a picture and I decided to jump on it to get back into the swing of blogging.  I'll be blogging EVERY day in October, so you'll always have something to read if you're bored.

Helene in Between

Today's prompt is: If You Won The Lottery, You'd...

This is kind of a loaded question. The impulsive side of me yells, "A MANSION!  IN THE HAMPTONS! I NEED IT!"  And maybe I would do that, Tj wouldn't argue with me since we love cooler weather but I'm sure property taxes would eat us alive and I'm not pretentious enough to live there, I don't think.  I think we would buy a spread close to my mom's house but with a lot of land and custom build my (our) dream house.  Maybe a wall of windows, cedar shakes, a beautiful interesting color.  The windows facing the unobstructed view of the sunrise because that's my favorite time of day.  While my house was being built, I would try and steal the kids away and take a month to explore Ireland.  Or just buy a vacation home in Maine, so I don't have to deal with sweltering Texas summers.  I would, of course, help my family, put the proper amount away in savings and retirement.

I would buy one of the old buildings in this tiny town and open a restaurant.    I've been scoping the town out for lonely, neglected building I could break into find information about.  The lottery would help me do so much more to this town and rejuvenate it.  I'm almost positive I would travel, slowly though, not all at once.  I just told Jamie that I want her husband to carve giant chess pieces so we could play huge chess in the pasture.  The lottery could totally fund that whimsical, superfluous idea. And MAYBE, I would buy the clothes in my Pinterest closet...Maybe...

Also, I did Megan Card's Scarf Swap again.  I got partnered with a girl from Florida and she did amazing right??  

Stick around to see what the rest of the week is like!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I came via the Blogtober14 link up... I'm sorry to hear that October is a bittersweet month for you. The photos of the houses are lovely! Is that your dream house? I have a dream house idea as well. Why would you go to Ireland?

Becster x (http://becster.com)

casey said...

Yes those would be my dream houses, I would likely mash them all together and form one. Ireland has always been my go to place. Probably because of my red hair, but they also have the worlds largest hedge maze and it's not a tropical climate, which I'm just not a fan of.

Helene in Between said...

Ohhh a vacation home!! that is a great idea. where in texas are you? Also... I assure you, I am not that cool!

casey said...

Helene, I'm in North Texas. An hour or two north of Dallas!

The Siberian American said...

I totally get wanting a summer vacation home to deal with the Texas heat! These summers make me feel like I'm melting! Maine sounds amazing! I have never been, but I am going for the first time in two weeks. :)

casey said...

@thesiberianamerican YOU ARE?!? I'm so jealous!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Casey,
found you through the Blogtember roundup.
Very nice to meet you. How unfortunate that your october is going to be less pleasant, but i still hope you make the best of it. I really like the restaurant in a small town idea. It sounds very cozy actually. Maybe one day you will?! Never stop dreaming.
Luchessa @ http://luchessa.org

Diana @ wonderfully made. said...

Oh man I love all of those houses! I didn't even think about a vacation home...too late to change mine? Also, LOVE the scarf! So fun!

Ashleigh said...

A house in the Hamptons? Yes please.. I am all in for that one.. I love those cute little colorful houses! Here is too hoping we win the lottery!

Unknown said...

That is such a great house! In the Hamptons none the less.
That scarf is super cute!


XO Kerry said...

I love that third house! If I won the lottery I'd also build my dream home. I never thought about switching states but the Hamptons sounds lovely.


A Labour of Life said...

love the dream houses and scarf looks great ( Blogtober hop). Stay strong this month

Jackie @ Our Nashville Life said...

I'm with you. I prefer the cooler weather over the warm weather. The problem is southern homes are so large and cheap! If you moved to Maine though just imagine all the lobster you could have!


Victoria Talia said...

Loved this! And I absolutely enjoyed the idea of taking a month to enjoy Ireland- I'm visiting there for the first time next month and I can't wait! I also like how you're very responsible thinking of the taxes and stuff like that- I definitely would consider all that too :)

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