Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Remember me?

I know.  I'm a bad blogger. And it's not really so much that I'm a bad blogger, it's that the past year dealt some punches that were doozies. When life throws sixteen heavy things at you, it takes some time to muddle through them.

As I am currently eating a spinach salad and watching Scandal, I'm thinking about how two years ago, I was a gym rat. I had lost 40 pounds.  And then divorce helped me gain some weight.  And then falling back in love helped me gain some too.  Because those date nights and good food, actually having someone to eat supper with, that's a lot of food. 

A couple of months ago, my sister's best friend Lori (and who used to cheer with in high school), invited Jamie and me to do Zumba at the local gym. Jamie and I trepidatiously showed up.  Thirty minutes early like we always do.  One very sweaty hour later, we were hooked. I love Zumba. I can't shout it enough. But it also made me realize how much I actually missed working out. Which is something I never thought I would say. Sure, I like being lazy and watching Netflix. But I hate missing Zumba and I hate that it's only twice a week.  I also decided to try a couple other classes and forced TJ to get a membership so we can go together and stay healthy. I also got us FitBits and found out I'm very competitive. Which helped me find out that I don't sleep well, either. 

The fun thing is, if we work out at home, Wilder copies us. He likes to "work out".  He's barely three and we're teaching him to be active.  And my sister! She used to groan about how often I was working out and how she didn't get it. But she gets it now! I have friends inviting me to do 5ks but I haven't done a 5k since the mud run and before that it had been two years. I did two miles earlier but it took me 33 minutes of walking and running. I want to be a distance runner, but I'm a better sprinter for now.

So, I'm on the fitness wagon again. And I hope you help hold me accountable. Mainly through Instagram, maybe? You can find me @agirlandmerle. Or add me on FitBit! My email is 

Here's to the rabbit food.  
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